So, Noah had a HUGE christmas this year...HUGE! got sooo many toys, we put his old away and are rotating them--overload! but we are so thankful to have such awesome family and friends who love Noah as much as we do :) below are a few pics from Christmas
possibly Noah's favorite gift...the box :) and the decorations i let him play with
Last Friday, we watched our firend, Elizabeth and Scott Roehner's little 5 month old baby, McAfee and had a blast! they are watching Noah for us tonight while we go to dinner. We laughed and said each of us is preparing the other for the future-- us for 2 kids, a toddler and a baby and them for what lies ahead in toddlerhood :) (we'll see how tonight goes! haha) so the night went awesome! McAfee is such a little sweetie!! so laid back and squeezable- made me miss the baby stage (never thought i'd say that! haha) so when he got there, we all hung out for a while and after they left i was holding M and Noah wanted something, so i squatted down to talk to him- Noah starts climbing up my leg... i thought "here we go". last time i held my Best Friend, Lindsay's little girl, Lina- Noah climbed on me the whole time and wanted my attention, so i thought this was going to be the same struggle...but INSTEAD he wanted to kiss McAfee!!!! how adorable!! he leaned over wrapped his arm around him and kissed him!! (pic below!) sooo cute- melted my heart!
then McAfee needed a diaper change, so we headed upstairs to change him- after changing his #2 diaper we were both gagging at the smell! and i thought shewwweee he's so littel for such a stinky diaper! haha it got to the point we both couldnt take it- so i took M to oru room while Dave LYSOL'd the other room... he was spraying it everywhere- opening windows-- we both were amazed at the smell...
so then it was bath time- Dave bathed Noah, i snuggled McAfee--we went back in to the room to change/ dry Noah and shew it still stunk! then i realized- it was on my hands!! which meant it was probably on his clothes!! eugh...i felt terrible! THEN we realized it wasn't poor McAfee-- it was BELLA!!! she rolled in goose poo outside and it was in her hair!!! how gross...and how hysterical that we thought it was the poor baby!! WOW...are we rookies? haha!!!
so then it was book time, so i held them both and Noah shared his most coveted blankie with M...pic below and tried to hand him his milk to share! haha poor M was so confused! but so precious Noah was sharing! after book time, daddy took M on his lap so i could put Noah down...Noah catapults himself forward and grabs M's arm...i'm like WHOA-- then he leans in to kiss him!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwww.... he always wants to kiss everyone in the room at bedtime...soo sweet :) so M got yet another kiss from N and off to bed Noah went :) thought you all might like to hear, i think Noah is ready to be a big brother :)
And the belly pics you've all been asking for. i'm not sure what it is this time, but i'm kinda feeling like they are invasive- last time i was all about posting the pics, this time i will keep it to our blog :)
this was at 7 weeks when i thought i was HUGE!! this is when i was calling all my friends freaking out that i was huge and couldn't fit into my pants any more-- i got bloated fast this time- with noah i didn't at all for almsot 20 weeks :) i'd like to think i started this one smaller, so its more noticeable! haha...anyways here's when the holy belly started...
(disclaimer: this was late at night after a long day at work- disregard my face! haha)
and 7 weeks later...which is now- here's 14 weeks, new hair, new belly! not much of a belly change at all, which is good :) i do LOVE being pregnant and love the belly, but it was scaring me at 7 weeks! haha ...and the dancing videos below :)