So- i can't believe it, BUT we're over half way!! 20 weeks and 1 day! wow has it flown by this time!
We have our ultrasound tomorrow to look at all the anatomy and we still aren't decided if we are going to find out the gender..ekk!! i bought two shoes to give the US tech if we decide to find out- we will have her put one pair in the bag for us and donate the other pair--then we are going to dinner tomorrow night to open it together. i just felt like it was so impersonal and we were unable to really react when i m laying on the table with gel all over my belly with the US tech inbetween us! haha so we thought this would be a more intimate way to share it :) that all is IF we decide to find out! we'll keep everyone posted :)
We have Noah's big boy room all ready to go- he isn't sleeping in it yet, we are waiting till he get a month or so older, just to be sure we have good first time obedience from him. we took the outside rail off his crib today and he is napping in it right now without any problems. we just want to be sure he will stay in his bed when we ask him to. he is incredibly obedient now, but i dont want to push him beyond what he is developmentally able to next month or couple of weeks we will transition him... on the other hand... he is READY to potty train...we just have to find a weekend to do it-- this weekend is a birthday party and next weekend i'm on call, so possibly the next weekend we will dive in. he's gone on the potty a few time and tells me when he's going other times---like inteh car on the way to target- when i clearly cannot pull over! haha soo...we have pull-ups, a teddy bear, training pants and a book called 1-2-3 potty training, by our favorite christian authors...the Ezzo's that attend our we'll let you know how it goes!
below are pics of noah's new room- they are inthe wrong order and i can't get them to drag :( i'm not a blog expert- sorry- so start from the bottom and work up ;) we have letters on the wall and a bunch of other things in there now- including his twin bed...we'll take more pics soon to show :)
here's Noah doing a puzzle- one of his favorite things- while mommy was painting
daddy's helper- with a tape measure ;)
these are the stripes on teh Buckeye helmets that we painted on his wall...BUT for those of you who know Dave know...we had to drive across Charleston to get THE OFFICIAL scarlet and gray of Ohio State--and i had to tell him we didn't have to have the official black and white-- geesh! haha but he did look up the exact dimensions so it is EXACTLY as the helmets are! haha
Noah found my cowboy hat and was wearing it around while playing with dad's tools
his fan pulls :)
BELLY pics you've all been asking for :)
this video is of Noah forcing me to sing his favorite song...twinkle twinkle-- he does his hands and knows the words its soo funny- so please ignore my TERRIBLE singing :) i didn't say i was good at it! ha
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