Friday, February 3, 2012

One Thousand Gifts

Dave got me a book called "One Thousand Gifts" (you can click there and read her blog) for Christmas. I was a little apprehensive at first, having never heard of the book before...and let me say-- i'm forever changed! If you haven't read this book...order it now :)
It is about a whole mindset of thankfulness. The author shares her story of heartache and grief she has encountered and WOW- talk about some REAL heartache...and how she coped through it knowing that God knows more than we do and there is a reason and a purpose for all of it. i was initially inspired by her ability to survive through these terrible tragedies...The author then teaches everything biblical came from a place of thankfulness... what she called Eucharisteo
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them..." Luke 22:19 how thanksgiving ALWAYS precedes the the fall of Adam and Eve began from a place of ingratitude- humanity's discontent with all that God freely gives--how Eden was in paradise, and because she came from a place of ingratitude caused the fall... wow-- how truly eye-opening.
When i began to examine my own life and realize the areas of frustration or unhappiness were truly areas of ingratitude of my own... in Luke 17- God heals the one Samaritan who GAVE THANKS...can healing really come from a thankful heart?

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world" - Sarah Ban Breathnach
The other verse that struck me was:" I have learned how to be content with whatever i have. i know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. i have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little" Phil 4:11-12
--wow...have i really? i think i have, but when i take a moment to examine my life...i stomp my feet and internally throw a fit when I can't buy whatever I want and still I thankful in times of need as much as i am thankful in times of plenty?!

The author then talks about how to become thankful- that its something we have to PRACTICE- just like everything else in life- if you really want change, you have to practice and make it a new lifestyle, so she writes out 1,000 Blessings or put her heart in a place of, if you will join with me in this- i would like to end each of my posting with a few things i am thankful for, until we have this sweet baby growing in my belly :)
join me in this activity- i really think it will change my vantage point and ultimately change the place of my heart :)

I am thankful for:
1. My amazing Father in Heaven who loves me no matter how many times I fall
2. My also amazing husband who loves God with his whole heart
3. My healthy, happy bundle of joy, Noah
4. The life He has created inside of me-what a miracle!
5. Our home
6. My job...yes, i am thankful ;)
7. Our church
8. Amazing weather that allows me to open all the windows in the house and let the breeze and fresh air in
9. Our family - gosh, how lucky are we?!
10. the sound of the waves at the beach that are so peaceful
11. Morgan Porter- our little heart patient that has forever changed my world (story and more to come in another post)

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